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Electronics: Now Is the Time to Set Clear Limits

Yes, with few exceptions, we are all living different lives. And we might continue for quite a while. As mentioned last week, in my view, the data overwhelmingly points to the need to limit screen time in every form. And yet, there is a clear opportunity amidst this...

The Data Is Conclusive: It’s Time to Step Up

In the past, many authors, including myself, have written several articles about the emerging issues with children and adolescents growing up with smartphones in their hands. As time moves on, research is becoming more and more conclusive. Children and adolescents are...

Impossible: Motivating the Unmotivated?

One of the most common questions I receive revolves around the theme of motivation. Parents often ask how to motivate kids when they don't want to do something; usually, it's a responsibility. However, teenagers sometimes appear sad, lost, and unmotivated to do...

Stop the False Hope This Year

Every New Year offers us a chance to take stock of our home and our efforts at building good habits in our children. In particular, it's good to carefully determine if "false hope" lives in your home, as it will undermine happiness and success. False hope is just...

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“My Child Won’t Listen… What Should I Do?”

“My Child Won’t Listen… What Should I Do?”

As kids get older and mature with a dysregulated set of behaviors and emotions, home life can get miserable.  Equally important, the child’s life is on a trajectory of misery and struggle, and no one wants that for their child.  Thus, we must think about what genuinely changes an out-of-control child and that brain that is causing such misery at home…

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Thanksgiving:  Tips for Nurturing Gratitude at Home

Thanksgiving: Tips for Nurturing Gratitude at Home

Let’s consider giving and gratitude. The very act of giving, when offered without hope for reward or return, brings fascinating benefit. Even when feeling some ‘lack’ in our lives, these moments of giving yield a reward of immense gratitude, instantly and automatically. It just flows into us with overwhelming feelings of warmth and appreciation.

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