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Stop the False Hope This Year

Every New Year offers us a chance to take stock of our home and our efforts at building good habits in our children. In particular, it's good to carefully determine if "false hope" lives in your home, as it will undermine happiness and success. False hope is just...

New Year’s Resolutions: Five Simple Steps

As we launch into a new year, most of us pause to some degree and take stock of where we find ourselves in life. Doing so, we often then turn our attention toward growth and change, and this leads to the infamous set of New Year's Resolutions! The only problem is that...

Keep It Simple This Holiday Season

The busy Holiday week is upon us, and we pass each other in a flurry of movement from one task to another. In our minds, the business of thinking of everything on the to-do list can be overwhelming. Yet, there is one simple thing we could do each day that would...

The Art of Holding Our Opinions Lightly…

"Once upon a time there was a wise Chinese farmer whose horse ran away. That evening, all of his neighbors came around to commiserate. They said, “We are so sorry to hear your horse has run away. This is most unfortunate." The farmer said, "Maybe." The next day the...

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Which End of the Life-Stick?

Which End of the Life-Stick?

Imagine life boiled down to a straightforward decision that we have the power to influence moment by moment. And, even though we have the power to make the decision, most people don't know it or exercise that choice. Instead, they (understandably) follow the momentum...

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What is Neurofeedback, and Why Now?

What is Neurofeedback, and Why Now?

Because I have been working as a psychologist for many years and have a history of offering therapy, I often get asked, Dr. Cale, why Neurofeedback and why now - especially at this point in your career?’ There are several answers, but the most relevant are two facts....

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Which Game Do We Focus On?

Which Game Do We Focus On?

When speaking to parents with challenging children, there is often an urgency to address the specifics of what to do when a problem behavior shows up. In other words, the understandable desire is to fix the problem right now. After all, you want an answer when your...

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