Being able to ensure that your kids are on safe websites should be really important for parents these days. The Internet is absolutely massive and it is legit access to absolutely everything in the world. With that being said, the Internet is great and there are some great learning tools that are present on the site. You want your kids to be technologically savvy but you also want to keep them safe from the nasty stuff on the web.
Key Takeaways:
- Making sure that your kids are technologically savvy is really important in today’s world.
- You want to have your kids on the things that can make them successful as they get older in life.
- You want to make sure that you are vetting all of the bad stuff on the internet on a daily basis.
“There are a wealth of learning opportunities available for young children including educational website and interactive apps. If your toddler or preschooler is using a computer, tablet, or smartphone to access content, be sure that you have screened the content first.”
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