How much easier would life be for you…and your kids…if daily routines become automatic?
What if most, if not all, daily responsibilities are put on “auto-pilot?”
I find, that when kids learn to put their daily routines and responsibilities on automatic, they struggle less. It certainly makes no sense to have daily discussions and arguments over homework, picking up their room, getting up and off to school, and getting to bed. The more that all of these daily routines are automated … the easier life becomes!
It’s as if all these decisions are made in advance. These details are “pre-decided” and there is more room for the “good stuff” in life to find both a psychological and emotional place to grow.
In this section of the Terrific Parenting website, I will introduce you to strategies that can help you automate key areas of your life. You should NOT be working harder at these daily routines than your kids! If you are, you are on the fast track to physical and emotional exhaustion!
select from the topics below:
- Bedtime Battles
- Homework Habits
- Messy Rooms
- Morning Routines
- Picky Eaters
- Summer Habits
- Holiday Routines
If you are interested in my program, Effortless Daily Routines, just click here. This program walks you through a clear and complete plan to manage most daily routines, and put these essential responsibilities on auto-pilot.