The move from High School to college is already a big deal for most teens and young adults. Add in the specter of anxiety or depression and the possibility of things going less than perfectly rises exponentially.

Before sending a young person with a diagnosis of anxiety or depression off to college there are some things that should happen to tip the scales in favor of a successful transition. For example, it’s important to have a treatment team ready for your student. Problems will arise and a competent professional needs to be there for your scholar. It’s also important for parents to manage their own anxieties. Impressionable teens will absorb the negativity. And while some discussion is natural, endless scenario-hashing is not going to make your young scholar feel better about the move. While it is less easy to manage the expectations of your scholar as the parent part of the equation, it is nonetheless important to remind your teen that the first year is apt to be non-stellar and to keep their expectations manageable.

Key Takeaways:

  • The transition from High School to college is tumultuous for all young students and is apt to be even more challenging for those that already suffer from a diagnosis of anxiety and depression.
  • As a parent, it is important to ensure your transitioning student is under appropriate medication and will have a therapist, or counselor available to her at the school she goes to.
  • Encourage your student to be proactive in their care, by eating well and sleeping sufficiently and getting exercise and relaxation.

“Your daughter needs a safety net and a safe space in which to continue to discuss her issues.”

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