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Why Consequences Don’t Work: It’s All About Proximity.

Why Consequences Don’t Work: It’s All About Proximity.

Some prospective clients seeking Neurofeedback to improve their child's behavior report problems with their child's inability to regulate behavior.  Parents report, 'Consequences just don't work for my son...something is wrong in their brain.' At times, we find...

Stop Trying To Make It Easier

Stop Trying To Make It Easier

In this persistently challenging world, don't you wonder how best to successfully equip our children to navigate these rough waters of life?   Indeed, no simple answer will come close here.  Yet, it seems that we find ourselves daily lamenting about these tougher...

Get a Headstart on the Day: Make Mornings Easy.

Get a Headstart on the Day: Make Mornings Easy.

For some, mornings are the worst part of the day.  The constant conflict, the nagging and prodding, and the escalating emotions often result in an angry and frustrated goodbye between parents and children. The conflicted start to the day is not healthy for parents or...

Control or Dictate: You Choose.

Control or Dictate: You Choose.

I think it's fair to say that many of us have had experiences working with others where leadership skills were lacking. Perhaps you've had a manager, coach, or friend handle you like you were a 'subject' to be told what to do. Or perhaps worse yet, you had a parent...

How To Feel Bad When Working Hard: Taking Things Personally

How To Feel Bad When Working Hard: Taking Things Personally

In this series of mistakes that fail your family, I am highlighting common strategies that undermine your children's success and happiness. We have covered several behavioral strategies recently, but today's discussion focuses on a critical mental mistake: Taking...

The Backfire: How Good Intentions Turn South!

The Backfire: How Good Intentions Turn South!

If you have been reading this column for a while, you will recognize this 'Cale Truism' that I have addressed from many angles: Your superpower as a parent resides in your mastery of how you use your attention. What you repeatedly focus upon with your attention will...