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What’s The Fuss About ‘Questions?’

What’s The Fuss About ‘Questions?’

Our minds seem to be incessantly creating questions to be answered.  We engage in this inner dialogue, answering the internal questions and following the train of thought.  The question controls our energy and attention!

Pattern Recognition:  One Key Distinction to Helping Your Child

Pattern Recognition: One Key Distinction to Helping Your Child

Pattern recognition is exactly what it implies:  Noticing patterns of behavior or emotion, and the behavioral or emotional consequences that are paired with those choices.  Thus, it is essential to include both child and adult behaviors and emotions in any behavioral issue.

The End to Arguments & Negotiations

The End to Arguments & Negotiations

Many of us have been (falsely) taught that children need a stronger voice in making decisions in their life.  We hear the battle cry:  “Give kids more choice.”  And so we listen and turn to our children to offer them more choice.

Positively Bias Your World with Empowering Questions:  Part 2

Positively Bias Your World with Empowering Questions: Part 2

Previously we discussed how questions arise in our minds, and we typically do not choose the questions.  Yet, these questions directly and control our attention, the thoughts that follow, and the consequential emotions!   These questions cannot be taken lightly if we...

If Only My Son Would Behavior Better…

If Only My Son Would Behavior Better…

In reality, this is about walking our talk and noticing whether we use words to try to teach, or do we lead with healthy habits that demonstrate our commitments?