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Conditions / Diagnosis

A diagnosis or condition does not dictate your child’s future…unless you let that happen.
Get the parenting tools to help you see beyond the challenging moments.

Motivated Toward The Desired? Or Away-From The Unwanted?

Motivated Toward The Desired? Or Away-From The Unwanted?

How do we motivate ourselves toward new tasks and activities that we know will serve us? Especially when these endeavors inevitably bring us challenges. And yet, it is through these challenging moments that we are given the opportunity to learn, grow, and evolve. Agreed?

Dopamine, Control, and Satisfaction:  Part 2

Dopamine, Control, and Satisfaction: Part 2

Dopamine is the source of drive, motivation, desire, and wanting. When dopamine is compromised, we lose our drive and motivation. Yes, if hungry, we will still eat. We just won’t put much effort into eating well. Open the bag of chips, order a pizza, and we are still sitting on the sofa.

Neurofeedback and ADD/ADHD

Neurofeedback and ADD/ADHD

As a psychologist now focused primarily on changing brains in measurable ways using Neurofeedback, I get calls weekly from parents or adults asking about the impact of Neurofeedback on distractibility, attentional problems, focusing issues, and over-activity.