If you believe that success in school usually leads to a better life for kids (and most parents do!), then it’s time to get a more precise strategy for managing the daily routines.
Get help for frustrating, exhausting and worrisome behavior problems.
Abusive & Violent Behavior Aggression Anger & Defiance Arguing & Fighting Backtalk & Attitude
Bullying Disrespect Laziness & Motivation Lying Manipulation
Outbursts & Temper Tantrums Power Struggles School & Homework Self-esteem Sibling Rivalry
Stealing Substance Abuse & Risky Behavior Yelling & Swearing
If you believe that success in school usually leads to a better life for kids (and most parents do!), then it’s time to get a more precise strategy for managing the daily routines.
As kids get older and mature with a dysregulated set of behaviors and emotions, home life can get miserable. Equally important, the child’s life is on a trajectory of misery and struggle, and no one wants that for their child. Thus, we must think about what genuinely changes an out-of-control child and that brain that is causing such misery at home…
Temper tantrums are a topic of perennial relevance, except more now than ever. Why? Because Covid has pushed the limits of many homes, with children and teens learning to ‘rule the roost’ through demand and tantrums.
Many of us have been (falsely) taught that children need a stronger voice in making decisions in their life. We hear the battle cry: “Give kids more choice.” And so we listen and turn to our children to offer them more choice.
We make the mistake of asking ‘WHY’ with relentless pursuit. We do it to ourselves, and we do it to others, constantly exploring the roots.
That is why we must first turn our attention to our own choices. Yes, this is hard. Hard. But it’s required if you want long term change…