Homework Habits Made Easy

by Dr. Randy Cale, Licensed Psychologist

“Secrets to Trouble Free Homework Routines”

It’s exhausting, and frustrating to know that your child can do better. You can eliminate your fears about future success, and get your child on track for homework success. End the daily struggles and battles over homework.

Get Dr. Cale’s Special Report On Making Homework Habits A Daily Practice:

  • Very Easy To Read in 20 Minutes
  • No Fluff At All
  • Solid Professional Information
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Expert Child Psychologist and author of Homework Habits Made Easy, Dr. Randy Cale, is back with a brand-new special report designed specifically to help parents gain control of homework routines. Why keep battling and struggling everyday? Why not get your child on track for success?

And yes… even stubborn, defiant, strong-willed, bullheaded, quick to go ballistic children learn quickly from Dr. Cale’s positive discipline methods. You’ve seen him on TV and read his articles in major publications. Now, let Dr. Cale teach you how to put an end to those daily battles over homework.

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Parent Feedback/Testimonials

“After following Dr. Cale’s parenting techniques and guides, my home life became a happier, more tranquil place. Communication has increased between family members. The children have begun to take personal accountability for their homework, chores and each other. My home has become a wonderful place to be at the end of a hard day at work. Life is sweeter all the way around. It’s amazing how simple the concepts are and it works! My family is living proof.”

– Heather, mother of two

“As a parent of two boys, 12 and 15, I wasn’t really sure that your program would work, but I did immediately institute your homework-first ideas, and I have to say it has been very helpful in cutting down the homework battles. Not to say that battles are nonexistent, but they are definitely manageable and most times the boys need no reminder or supervision at all.”

– Ann from Newburg, NY

“Dr. Cale, I implemented your strategies for homework and have seen an almost immediate turnaround with both of my boys. It’s wonderful… Keep up the good work!”

– Stephanie, Mother of Two from Illinois

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