“Learn Dr. Cale’s Proven Formula That Get Children to Bed . . .
Even the Stubborn and Difficult Ones!”
Get Dr. Cale’s special report that will guide you through a simple step-by-step formula. You can end those bedtime battles. It’s not a fantasy . . . It’s reality!
Expert Child Psychologist and author of Bye Bye Bedtime Battles, Dr. Randy Cale, is back with a brand-new special report designed specifically to help parents gain control of crazy, out of control bedtime battles. End the meltdowns! End the fighting! End the constant trips to the bathroom! End the struggles to get teeth brushed, and into bed on time.
And yes… even stubborn, defiant, strong-willed, bullheaded, quick to go ballistic children learn quickly from Dr. Cale’s positive discipline methods. You’ve seen him on TV and read his articles in major publications. Now, let Dr. Cale teach you how to put an end to your child’s stubborn bedtime habits . . . once and for all.
Fill out the form below. You will get immediate
access to the Special Report.
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“Hey Doc. Just a quick note. I bought this program because I thought it would be a good gift for my wife, who goes crazy with the kids every night…getting them to bed. I work late, and she is a mess by the time I get home. As it turns out, the Bye Bye Bedtime Battles program saved the day. NOW, when I get home, we can have some real time tighter. We have some time to ourselves…that is quality time. Thanks!”
– Ray Edwards, Father of 4 boys
– Ava Gardner, Mother of 2
– Melissa, Mother of 3 from Minnesota
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