Success Stories

“Hey Doc. Just a quick note. I bought this program because I thought it would be a good gift for my wife, who goes crazy with the kids every night…getting them to bed. I work late, and she is a mess by the time I get home. As it turns out, the Bye Bye Bedtime Battles program saved the day. NOW, when I get home, we can have some real time tighter. We have some time to ourselves…that is quality time. Thanks!”

– Ray Edwards,Father of 4 boys

“I was hesitant to believe that this Bedtime Battles plan could work. I tried everything, and Dr. Cale, you made it sound a bit too easy…to be honest. BECAUSE it’s wasn’t that easy at first…but then, just like you said, things turned around quickly. What a relief…from all the battles, the arguing, the negotiations…and late bedtimes! Within days, the kids were in bed on time, without a hassle, and life is SO much better. I’m not one to make suggestions to others…so I can only say that I personally got more out of this little program than I have from dozens of other books on parenting. Thanks for making this available…the program was fantastic (even if the first couple days were really really tough!)”

– Ava Gardner, Mother of 2

“There is no more screaming ugly words from my son. There are no more extended bedtimes. There are no more frustrated goodnights, and angry “go to bed NOW.” It’s all working smooth. Thanks to the Bye Bye Bedtime Battles guide. What a simple, but practical set of tools. Thanks!”

– Melissa, Mother of 3 from Minnesotan

Trusted and Secured

Bye Bye Bedtime Battles

Learn Our Proven System To End Bedtime Battles,
Bedtime Tantrums, Endless Fights Over Getting to Bed

“Discover The Secret To Ending The Nightly Struggles With Bath, Bedtime Routine, And Getting The Kids To Sleep.”

In Less Time Than It Takes To Wash and Dry A Load Of Clothes You Can Uncover The Psychologist’s Secret To Ending Your Nightly Bedtime Struggles… And See Amazing Results In Under Than 10 Days!

Look, I have been helping parents who struggle, fight and even cry out loud because their child will not go to bed on time. While I have found different approaches work with some kids and not others, there is one SECRET STRATEGY that you must master IF YOU WANT TO QUICKLY ELIMINATE THOSE NIGHTLY BEDTIME STRUGGLES FROM YOUR FAMILY.

“Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles” program action plan teaches your child to go to bed on time – and stay there, and shows you exactly how to do it… IN JUST 7 DAYS OR LESS – WITHOUT ANY Drugs…

Even if – you’ve unsuccessfully tried other approaches that worked for a while and then stopped.

Even if – your child’s nightly fights are so bad you can’t imagine how life would be like without them.

Even if – your son or daughter is unusually strong-willed, stubborn or even diagnosed with some other condition.

This approach has been tested and proven with hundreds and hundreds of children, with all variations of nighttime problems, from the most typical to most extreme.

Dear Mom or Dad,

Are you ready to pull your hair out because the nightly battle to get your kid to bed just gets worse every day? Are you exhausted from the just the thought of going through another round?

The common advice doesn’t seem to work with YOUR CHILD… and you wonder why? You bedtime battles have tried everything (you think). You have negotiated. You have been kind. You have tried to talk it out. You have tried being firm. You have gotten angry. You have gotten frustrated, and you have done the time-out thing! It’s really frustrating… right!

And do you wonder if something is wrong… with your son? Your daughter? With YOU???

But guess what… there is nothing wrong… with anyone here. When I first started helping other parents who had children who were out of control, I just followed the traditional ways I had learned and used

myself. Sometimes this strategy worked, and sometimes it didn’t. Then I tried other approaches I had been taught in graduate school, and again… it was hit or miss… especially with certain children.

Then, I discovered the key! It was like a hidden secret ingredient that made everything come together. I would like to claim some genius ability in pulling this out of all my research and experience, but that is not the case. I really just discovered this solution because I worked with so many families who were struggling and I had so many chances to learn the ONE ESSENTIAL CHANGE that every parent must make to stop bedtime battles… regardless of whether your child is 3 or 13!

This may surprise you: The truth is that most of what causes this problem to get worse is the misleading, and inaccurate advice you are given in magazines, books and yes… even your pediatrician’s office. When you discover how easily you can change these bedtime battles… you just may want to write a few letters of your own!

Okay, I did say “how easily you can change these bedtime battles”… didn’t I? Well, compared to another meltdown at bedtime, or another struggle to keep your kids in bed, or another night sleeping with your child… this easy to follow, step-by-step action plan will be a walk in the park. Yet, I don’t want to deceive you here… there will be a few tough days ahead… and for a select few of you, you may have a week or so where you have to stick firmly to the action plan.

But the learning is quick, and the change become immediately noticed… even with the most stubborn and oppositional kids. My system works, and it works quickly. I guarantee it.

First Let Me Tell You What My Easy To Use Action Plan Is NOT

  • It does not require any new gadgets, or the idea of a magical tool.
  • It is not some ordinary advice, this works with every child and every personality.
  • It does not require long hours of sessions and counseling.
  • It does not cost a fortune. Not just being the greatest solution for fussy eating ever, it’s also the cheapest, costing much less than your lunch out with the family

A Radically Different Approach to Bedtimes

Hi, my name is Dr. Randy Cale and for the past 23 years I have helped thousands of parents, just like you master and overcome the daily struggles that all parents face.

My passion to help parents by using practical, real life strategies that gets real results has lead me to be featured in the Wall Street Journal, on NBC and on Fox News— just to name a few.

I am often referred to as “The Parent’s Psychologist” by pediatricians, teachers and the media… as well as the parents I work with. The reason for this is the fact that I focus (well… let’s call it an obsession) on helping parents master the skills to get you through the daily struggles and challenges we all face.

“How I Can Help You Win The War Over Bedtime Battles”

But recently, I have developed a report called “Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles” program and it can and will help you and your family. If you’d like to end those useless battles over bedtimes, stop the endless fighting and arguing, and ensure that your children are getting the sleep that they need, then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read.

Here’s why:

“Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles” program is a one of a kind report developed specifically for parents struggling with all types of bedtime battles.

From toddlers who won’t stay in bed, to middle-schoolers who won’t turn off the TV, there is a clear formula that works. From children’s bedtime fears to kids who whine relentlessly, you will get a comprehensive solution that has a proven track record.

“What Will You Get Out Of This Revolutionary Report?”

  • You will discover a system that brings hours of needless arguing and whining to an end.
  • You will discover how to gain control over bedtime routines.
  • You will discover the hidden secret to why your kids keep fighting you.
  • You will discover that you have the power to end the craziness.
  • You will nurture a better relationship with your kids.
  • You and your children will sleep with more peace and happiness.
  • You will discover how to use your energy to maintain consistency.
  • You discover automatic routines that requires less of your energy.
  • You will discover the critical pieces that makes evenings flow easily.
  • Your kids will respect your request for getting ready for bed.

My focus is exclusively upon helping parents with problems. I have responded to the questions that parents ask me, and have developed The “Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles” program because there is not a clear solution available for parents.

But let me take a moment to let you know exactly what my report is not.

Great, Nice Ideas That Will NOT Solve Your Nightly Bedtime Struggles:

  • Healthy bedtime snacks
  • Kid’s bedtime stories
  • Children bedtime music
  • Calling grandpa, dad, grandma, or someone else to tell the kids, “It’s bedtime” or “It’s past your bedtime.”
  • Reading another article on children’s bedtime tips

Now don’t get me wrong, reading to your children is great, but its not going to fix your problem

In fact, a lot of these are good for your child, a lot of these are even helpful, but none of these will really work to get your child to go to bed because none of these contain the REAL SOLUTION.

They are basically Band-Aids that stop the bleeding for a day or two.

You could also read a book or two, and come up with your own plan. But why waste the time with ideas that haven’t been proven?

I am amazed at the parenting advice on the market that has no basis in research, and no understanding of behavior management with children. Most of those ideas simply don’t work.

You should really check it out… and discover this for yourself!

“Be Careful… Not All Parenting Advice Is Equal”

So there are other options… but be careful. It would be a mistake to assume that all parenting advice is equal… it’s not.

Many times, you will find well-intentioned parents giving advice, and writing books, based upon their experiences. They have a sample of maybe 2-3-4 children…for most. And they may have gotten lucky! It’s easy to offer advice… when you have an easy child. We all know that!

So… seek an expert who has worked with literally thousands of families, and with children of all types of personalities… from the easy to the most oppositional and challenging. I’ve been there… with every type of child and every disposition. I have walked this path with families just like yours… and this report includes the lessons I’ve learned with all those years of experience.

“How ‘Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles’ Program WILL Work For You And Your Child…”

  • You can complete this entire report in less than an hour!
  • You don’t wade through pages upon pages of words.
  • My approach is not complex… in fact… it’s quite simple
  • You don’t need to study this for weeks to get started!
  • There is no need for massive changes in your home.
  • Anyone can easily implement this report
  • This proven formula has been refined with many challenging children.
  • This means you see results with your kids
  • You get clear, specific instructions and guidance.
  • You don’t struggle through psycho-babble to get the plan… it’s all laid out for you already
  • There is no prolonged period of gradual change.
  • Your kids learn to accept their new routine within days
  • The report teaches you a formula to end every bedtime battle.
  • No one needs to go to bed upset again
  • Your kids will learn to abandon their battles over bedtime.
  • Finally… you can kiss your kids goodnight in peace

Why Keep Suffering With Bedtime Battles? Here’s The Answer!

Bye Bye Bedtime Battles Package Today for $123.95 $17

This is an instant download package
All Major Credit Cards, Paypal and Online Checks Are Accepted.

How To Stop Bedtime Battles!

If you want the nightly fights over bedtimes to stop, you must have a clear game plan to change things. If you don’t have a clear game plan, you will fall into old patterns, and end up making things worse with half-baked ideas and ill-conceived strategies.

You actually end up losing control of your home and your life. You find yourself dancing around your child’s demands, and feeling embarrassed and angered that you don’t have more control over things.

Ultimately, your child ends up “driving the bus”! The long term picture can get very ugly. Your whole world can end up revolving around futile, but exhausting, efforts to avoid conflict. Your whole life can be squeezed of every ounce of joy by a teenager who hasn’t learned to control their emotions.

End Bedtime Battles Before They Grow Into Something Much Worse

Before deciding that you really need to do this now… not later… just pause for a second: Can you actually imagine a teenage body, with teenage hormones, reacting with teenage emotions, but filled with uncontrolled teenage-size defiance? It’s UGLY!

You may not want to imagine this scene… because I have seen it… and I understand. It’s beyond ugly. It’s beyond painful. It’s beyond your worst nightmare. Family life is lost. Futures are needlessly surrendered to detention, constant mental health counseling, endless timeouts, and threats of family court help just to bring sanity to the home.

But you can prevent that scene by taking action now! Get my Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles Step-by-Step Guide.

You Deserve Better… And Your Child Deserves A Better Future

With an understanding of the lessons I have learned over the years, you can alter the immediate and the long term future for you and your child. Not only do you save your bedtimes time and energy, by not wasting it with endless theories that only work with some children some of the time… but you get an action plan that includes the key ingredient that I have found essential to success for every child.

While I write this, I know some of you are skeptical and that’s okay. I probably would be too. But I have created a simple, step-by-step action plan that has helped hundreds and hundreds of parents, just like you, finally get peace in their own homes. The ‘Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles’ program is an easy to follow action plan that will show you the secrets to ending nightly fights over bedtimes right now so you and your child can have a better, less stressful, more peaceful life… for only $17!

You see, from my side of things, I know that life can be better. Not next year. Not five years from now. Not after they graduate from high school.

But things can be better in just a few days! Why would you keep suffering when relief is so close? I have seen it hundreds of times in working with every type of family, every style of parenting, and every variation of a strong willed or oppositional child. They all get it! Every child gets it… WHEN you get it.

What To Expect With The ‘Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles’ Program

In ‘Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles’ program, I explain how to set up their world so they can learn to listen to you. You don’t force it… you allow them to learn! Once again… I repeat myself, but this is the secret. Setting up a home environment where you control what they care about in a way that they can learn quickly and easily… that’s it’s! It’s that simple.

I also give you the hidden key ingredient to your actions… that shift your child’s reactions. If you master this key ingredient… they will learn to change by following your lead. If you fail to master it… they will fail to master their emotions. In the “Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles” program, I explain how this works, and why your child’s short term AND long term future are dependent upon mastering emotions early in life.

9 Ways My Tested and Proven ‘Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles’ Program Will Work For You And Your Child

You’ll discover exactly what to do, when to do it and exactly how to do it. No psychobabble to confuse you!
You will master a clear, simple plan that works for all ages and child personalities. No exceptions!
You will know precisely what to say to your child to make sure that the learning occurs quickly. A few powerful words only!
You will understand what you need to do in every situation.
You discover how to stop trying to avoid tantrums over bedtimes and use them to teach your child the proper way to react.
You discover how to respond so that your energy and attention isn’t wasted…
You discover how to stop working hard to solve things for them.
You will discover remarkably simple ways to control your environment.
You also discover how your peace of mind immediately helps to bring calmness to your child.

Stop Bedtime Battles Cold

The ‘Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles’ program gives you a clear, straight forward game plan that tells you exactly what you need to do and how to do it. No more theory and untested approaches. You get the formula that works time and time again. This plan is different. The results you get will be different… it will transform your home. I promise it, and stand behind your investment.

Look, I want to be very clear with you in your struggle with bedtimes. This report brings you a solution that works the wide majority of time. If it doesn’t work for you, you will see that I stand behind this unconditionally. It either works like it has for hundreds of families and you wake up a week or so from now realizing that this was an amazing bargain, or… you let me know it didn’t work for you, and get your money back.

By the way, if you were to consult with me to get this information, it would likely involve 4-6 sessions of family therapy at a cost of $680.00 to $1020.00. You get the advantage of this information that distills years of clinical experience into a simple, practical report… with a proven track record. But I’m not charging $1020.00 for this valuable resource… I’m only charging a fraction of that for the ‘Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles’ program.

Why Keep Struggling From Bedtime Battles? Get The Answer Now!

Bye Bye Bedtime Battles Package Today for $123.95 $17

This is an instant download package
All Major Credit Cards, Paypal and Online Checks Are Accepted.

Dr. Cale’s Big 3

9″3 Really BIG Reasons Why You Should Invest Now, And Try The Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles Program…
While You Still Can!”

1.) Do you REALLY want to keep struggling with bedtimes when you can be over this in a week or so?

My grandmother always told me, The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, and even worse is doing nothing at all.

2.) Because you are likely in some pain over bedtimes, I invite you to imagine a home free of those battles, the yelling, the meltdowns… and then decide if that relief isn’t worth 10 times the cost of this focused step-by-step action plan.

3.) In the time it takes to read another semi-worthless website article, you can download this action plan, and be on your way to a happier home. Please don’t procrastinate, I want to help you… and this action plan will give you the tools to teach your child to end those bedtime meltdowns… for good!

Here’s the deal. Invest in this Report. Follow the detailed plan. You can easily test the Report for yourself… and follow the clear directions. Once you’ve used these strategies in your own home, I’m confident you will want to keep it.

But, if you aren’t satisfied for any reason, or it doesn’t live up to your expectations, you won’t be out one red cent. Just return the course and we’ll refund the cost of the Report. It’s that simple.

I often wonder why parents hesitate to take action now… since the benefit of this report will bring daily peace to your home and ensure your child goes to bed the first time, every time. For less than a couple of movie tickets you get ‘Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles’ program sent directly to your email, there is no waiting and no shipping cost.

And there’s no risk for you! If you apply the principles in this report, and it doesn’t work for you… just send me an email and you will get your money back!

What You Need To Do Right Now

You can end the struggle, frustration, and anger that bedtimes cause. It’s all up to you, if you are ready to discover the secrets then you need to order the ‘Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles’ program today.

You will instantly have access to the ‘Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles’ program that gives you the tools to stop the nightly fights and arguments and get back your life. It’s not like they grow out of it. Unless you show them the way, bedtime battles will just continue to get worse.

Order right now and give your child and yourself the life you both deserve… you really have nothing to lose but the maddening bedtimes that are wrecking your sanity…

Here’s what you get in Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles Download Package

In the Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles Package, you get a downloadable ebook which you can read right away. You also get my Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles mp3 audio program, which you can listen to immediately. In addition, as my gift to you, I have included my A-Z Collection of Parenting Articles — yours free with this package.

Let me break the package down for you:

Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles Downloadable Ebook
($47.00 value)

The Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles Ebook is not a simple discussion of the child just getting kids to bed easily. Instead, it is a clinically tested step-by-step advance program for ending bedtime battles, stopping the whining and procrastination, and it gives you the tools to get your kids get to bed on time — every night without a battle.

Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles MP3 Audio Program
($47.00 value)

The MP3 Audio Program is also downloadable immediately, and you can listen to this on your computer or on your MP3 player (such as your IPOD). This audio program is like having Dr. Cale as your personal coach, as he guides you through each part of the step-by-step advance formula for ending bedtime battles.

This audio program alone is a $47.00 value, but is included free as part of this package.

The A-Z Collection of Parenting Articles
(Sells for $29.95 but Yours Free)

Over the years, I’ve written dozens and dozens of articles for magazine, newspapers, and for the internet. These articles cover a wide range of topics, from whining, to temper tantrums, to morning routines, bedtime routines, self-confidence, homework habits, self-esteem, negativity, optimism, and the list goes on and on…

As my gift to you, I’m including my A-Z collection of parenting articles. This is a group of over 32 articles, and provide you with the strong foundation for how to respond to a wide variety of situations.

This product is sold separately on other websites of mine for $29.95.

Again however, this gift is free to you with The Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles Program.

The total cost of this package is: $123.95

In the Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles program, I provide you with a complete solution to your bedtime battles problem. For less than the cost of your cable bill, you can transform your stubborn sleeper… and bring relief to your family today! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to just relax about this?

What Do You Get For Your $17 Investment?

  • You get a program that you can put to work immediately.
  • You get a practical solution that requires no detailed preparation.
  • You get the benefit of years of clinical training and expertise.
  • You get a formula that addresses every bedtime battle or your money back.

And remember: There is no risk. This program will work for you or you get your money back. I have confidence in this program because I have successfully used this approach again and again. The strategies have been refined with years of clinical experience, and you benefit both the success and failures of other families. I have been able to identify the core ingredients that eliminate bedtime battles, and put you on the path to greater peace at bedtime!

To purchase, click on the box below. You will be taken to a secure server, where you enter your personal information.

Bye Bye Bedtime Battles Package Today for $123.95 $17

This is an instant download package
All Major Credit Cards, Paypal and Online Checks Are Accepted.

Not ready to buy yet? Perhaps you are thinking this program isn’t for you? Maybe not.

But the program really works. I guarantee it! It can bring relief to those crazy bedtime battles… and life can be more peaceful and predictable.

How can I be absolutely certain this will work for you? The reality is that I can’t. However, I do know this program has worked for hundreds of other families dealing with difficult and challenging children.

This program has worked with kids who are:

oppositional, defiant, ADD, strong-willed, spoiled,

negative, grumpy, anxious, angry, and the list goes on.

Here Is What You Will Get Out Of This Program:

  • You will learn the hidden secret to why your kids keep fighting you when it’s time to go to bed.
  • You will learn how to use your energy and attention to support a consistent bedtime routine
  • You will learn how to set up a routine that becomes automatic and requires less and less of your energy.
  • You will develop ways to nurture a stronger relationship with your children, so that they look forward to ending the evening on a positive note.
  • You will learn how important it is to maintain a consistent structure and specific details to make that structure work effortlessly.
  • You also get a prescription on how to make sure that bath time, brushing teeth, and getting settled down for the evening can get built into a simple and predictably routine
  • You will learn about the mistakes to avoid that will undermine your success, not only in the short term, but throughout the rest of their childhood.
  • You get a plan that is simple, easy to use, and most importantly, easy to maintain. It actually teaches your children to take responsibility for their evening routines, rather than you taking more and more responsibility, as they get older and older.

The reality is that you won’t find another product like this one. You can search the web, go through the books, and you won’t find a program that gives you a simple, easy to use, proven plan that will make the evening routines go smoothly.

If you are ready for the change, and you are willing to put energy into making things different, this plan will work for you! And guess what! If it doesn’t, just let me know, and I will refund your money.

That’s how much confidence I have in every product here at Terrific Parenting. If you purchase this product, and you master the components of the program, and then put it to use for thirty days, I am certain your home will be more peaceful, more consistent, and your children will be happier.

Now, if you would like your evening routines to go smoothly, and to get rid of those bedtime battles, click here to purchase Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles. Remember, you can purchase this NOW as a a downloadable ebook and MP3 audio program (which you can read and listen to immediately), and we will mail the program to you.

When you purchase this program it is possible that you could be making a difference in your home immediately, as you have the option of including a downloadable MP3 version of this program when you check out. In other words, within minutes, you can listen to the program and have the system in place by your child’s next bedtime.

When you purchase, you will know what to do, when to do it, and exactly how to do it. Nothing is left up in the air. You will know how to set up a system of bedtime success that makes life easier for you and easier for your kids.

“Why Get Frustrated, Lose Your Cool And
Keep Battling With Your Kids Over Bedtime?”

  • Why struggle over such routine tasks, when you don’t have to?
  • Why battle over routines that have to be done every day?
  • Why surrender your happiness and peace over such routine tasks?
  • Why are you working harder at this than your kids are?

The bottom line is that you shouldn’t be. You don’t have to live with this. You can feel the difference in only days – if you use this program. You can get relief now! To BUY now, click on the box below. Enjoy freedom from bedtime battles!

Yes! Dr. Cale, I’m Ready To End Bedtime Battles Today!

  • I understand that if I use your professional, time proven step-by-step action plan, I will have a strategy to end all these useless battles at bedtime.
  • I understand that for only $17 I will be able to download immediately your life changing action plan that will teach me to get rid of bedtime battles in my home, and…
  • I also understand I am backed by 365-day, 100% NO RISK GUARANTEE.

I Also Understand This Package Includes:

Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles Ebook Program ($47.00 value)


Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles MP3 Audio Program ($47.00 value)

The A-Z Collection of Parenting Articles ($29.95 value)

The ‘Bye-Bye Bedtime Battles’ Program And Free Bonuses For $123.95

Just click here to order now using our secure server

Randy L. Cale, PhD
Licensed Psychologist

PS: One final note to remember.

Your child’s last thoughts and emotions and memories of the day are what follow them to their dreams. When the bedtime routines are filled with struggle and fights, that frustration is the emotion that they ride to sleep upon.

You can avoid that will one simple decision. Download the program now, and try it tonight. You have nothing to lose (with my money back guarantee!). No risk to you.

PSS: In reality, it’s a simple decision.

If you are reading this, then you and I both know that bedtime routines are a problem, and the lack of a clear game plan at bedtime is disturbing your life…and the lives of your children. So…

Let me gently remind you:

There is no need to battle, argue and negotiate.
Your children can go to bed with only warm, loving memories of the day
You can go to bed without the frustration of the battles and negotiations
And…Your day can begin on time, with children well-rested and ready for life.

How Can It Possibly Be Worth Waiting Another Day, Surviving Another Night Of All That Misery…When $123.95 $17 Will Bring You & Your Family Relief? Get It Now!

Bye Bye Bedtime Battles Package Today For $123.95 Today $17

This is an instant download package
All Major Credit Cards, Paypal and Online Checks Are Accepted.

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Copyright © 1999-2025 • Terrific Parenting • Randy L. Cale, Ph.D. • 636 Plank Rd, Suite 215, Clifton Park, NY 12065

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