Dr Cale, I used to feel so angry and embarrassed. My son would not get dressed, he wouldn’t leave the house or the car, and I was always late. He would have meltdowns in public, and if I didn’t do things his way… he would throw a wild tantrum! I felt like I was under his control! It was crazy. And then I found your website and The Tantrum Fixer Program and followed your advice. The difference is amazing. Within a few days, tantrums were 80% better. Now, 10 days later, I can say we have perfect behavior almost all of the time. I have no issues with his tantrums. More cooperative. More laughter. We have so much more fun BECAUSE I am not dancing around his wishes. It’s just a normal home again thanks to The Tantrum Fixer!
– Dana Odom (Atlanta, GA )
“Dr Cale, I don’t understand myself. I went for years, suffering with constant exhaustion, public embarrassment, and unspoken fears of what was wrong with my son. I now see the changes he is making, and wonder…’Why in the world would I choose to struggle for so many years…when an answer was right here? I now tell everyone…take care of these problems while they’re young. Why keep suffering…?”
– Nancy Rodriquiz
“You provided simple, easy to follow steps to help us with temper tantrums and behavioral issues. We read many books, and your approach is so different and refreshing. More importantly, it works! The struggles and battles are gone (thank God). Thanks!”
– Paula and John G. (Albany)
“I just wanted to thank you for your ‘tantrum fixer’ program. Your advice and game plan is clear and direct, and I find it easy to follow. More importantly, I have found that it works. Literally, years of battles and tantrums. . . all vanished in a week. You have given me hope!”
– Tom, Father of three (Tuscon)
“This is so simple, but yet no one teaches it. I am amazed. If I could speak to a parent struggling with these temper tantrums. . . I would say, ‘Don’t wait. Get this program! You will look back and proclaim this to be the best investment of your life!”
– MaryBeth C. Mother of two (Orlando)
Learn Our Proven System That Has Stopped Thousands of Tantrums
Mom… I know You Are Frustrated And Exhausted. I Get It.
What if, three days from now you…
1.) A toddler around age 2 who is just starting to throw toddler tantrums, and you want to understand how ‘nip these in the bud’ early so you don’t have to deal with toddler tantrums ever again.
2.) Your 2-3 year old toddler has been throwing tantrums on and off, but they are definitely getting worse over time. Others notice, and even offer advice, but the typical strategies don’t even touch these tantrums. You are beginning to wonder if something is wrong with your toddler.
3.) Your toddler skipped the ‘terrible two’s’ tantrum phase, but crazy, screaming, out-of-control tantrums started now at 3-4 years of age… and nothing works to stop them. Your worries are growing rapidly, as are your fears about the future.
4.) Your toddler is older, and has been throwing tantrums for months, or even years, and you have read books, exchanged comments on parenting forums, and even talked to your pediatrician or a psychologist. You are at the end of your rope! Perhaps you even fear that there is no hope for immediate relief, and your worries keep you up at night. “What is wrong with him?”
5.) A few months ago you had no problems with toddler tantrums, and they seem to come out of nowhere with your preschooler. They get worse by the day almost and they are physical at times and out of control. For you, the typical strategies seem to last for only a few days… then the tantrums come on stronger. It’s nerve wracking and you worry yourself sick.
6.) Your toddler’s tantrums are worse in public situations, and you have been embarrassed, and humiliated by the demanding, out of control meltdowns in public. No one has been able to give you a solution yet! You dance around them way too much, and you know it.
If you will spend time reading this article, you will find answers that you simply can’t find anywhere else. It’s not because I have stolen some secret formula, but I did stumble upon a Toddler Tantrums solution that seems to work almost every time.
But first, let me introduce myself. I am Dr Randy Cale, Licensed Psychologist and parenting expert (working with families for over 20 years now). I have written hundreds of articles for parents, and have been interviewed on NBC, CBS, The Morning Show and others. I have also created several dozen specific step-by-step parenting solutions for common behavioral problems.
However, I mention my accomplishments here just to demonstrate my competence and experience, and explain why you might want to keep reading… if toddler tantrums are draining the fun from your life…and the life of your toddler. Let me explain why this article holds the key to bringing a tantrum free home into your reality… and fast!
But Jacob really began to teach me while his parents ‘escorted’ him from the car to waiting area. Everyone in our office building now knew that Jacob was here, and that was just the warm up act.
By the time I reached Jacob, he had over-turned chairs, pulled all the tissues out of the tissue boxes, thrown magazines across the waiting room, and was screaming at the top of his lungs. His parents went from pleading for him to stop, to threatening to lock him in his room for a week.
Suddently, all the clinical training, behavioral psychology and years of education vanished.
Jacob was just moving into chapter 1 of a scary an out-of-control, all-out toddler tantrum. I tried everything that you have probably tried, and maybe a bit more. Nothing worked…
Jacob was just one of dozens and dozens of toddler whose parents were at their end of the rope because they couldn’t handle those toddler tantrums – who have come through my doors over the years!
But for now, let’s just say that Jacob was the first of many toddler who taught me to not only appreciate the challenges of horrible toddler tantrums, but Jacob also motivated me find a rapid solution for ending those tantrums.
Given my passion and desire to help toddler and families, I knew that toddler tantrums would be an ongoing challenge for me in my parent coaching and private pscyhology practice. Most parents were seeking help because they had a toddler with behavioral problems, and they were desperate for a real answer— tools that worked fast. They didn’t need hours and hours of therapy. (In fact, as the years go by, I often see that traditional therapy makes tantrums worse! You will learn why later in this article.)
It’s likely that you don’t need therapy, and your toddler doesn’t need therapy, to get rid of toddler tantrums. Plus… therapy for toddler just doesn’t work to stop tantrums. Instead, we need to put you back in control of your home… and do it fast.
(Of course I don’t know your toddler personally. But, I will bet you I know enough about your toddler to stop those crazy toddler tantrums.)
Over the past 23+ years, I have worked with so many tearful parents upset about their toddler’s behavior that I have heard stories that would send shivers up your spine.
I have also interviewed families where we never left my waiting room because their toddler was throwing such an out of control, violent ugly tantrum. What a mess!
In fact, I would bet you I have seen every type of toddler tantrum that exists. I’ve seen it at the beginning stages, the middle stages, and the most extreme stages. I’ve seen tantrums that blossom into immediate meltdowns, and those that just gradually get worse over time. I’ve seen the toddler who wants to negotiate about everything, and if they don’t get what they want – they tantrum. I’ve seen little girls who turn into nightmares, and little boys who become destruction machines.
I have seen the toddler who holds his breath until he turns white, and the preschooler who destroys everything in sight. I have seen the seasoned 2nd grader who has everyone dancing around the fear of another violent tantrum, and the twins who took turns tantrumming one after the other.
From 2-12, I think I’ve seen every type of toddler tantrum there is perhaps. Many of these toddler tantrums occurred in my office or my waiting room-what a disaster!
When I was a young Doctor of Psychology (in a land far, far away…) I started my private practice with what seemed like a very small professional toolbox. The tools worked sometimes, and sometimes… they failed miserably. At times, I was just plain nervous because I would see that the old tools I had been given weren’t working. This was nerve wracking and embarrassing…
I eventually had to take a step back, and said to myself…
My parents didn’t teach me about toddler tantrums of course. In my family, I never saw a tantrum.
Later in life, with college and graduate training, my instructors and professors gave me their best information. I had paid attention, and applied this information as best I knew how.
But there were no courses in fixing toddler tantrums. There were no specialized books on tantrums with any scientific credibility. I knew all of the traditional approaches… and toddler like Jacob kept proving over and over…
I decided then and there… to stop blaming myself for not having the answer. I also decided to stop feeling badly. Instead, I decided to use my quest for knowledge and understanding. I began to invest in additional training and education. I studied all different types of short-term therapies, cognitive behavioral strategies, neurolinguistic programming, and even hypnosis and thought field therapy, as well as numerous others.
These terms may not necessarily mean anything, and that’s not so important as simply understanding that… I really did my best to learn everything I could about human behavior, toddler behavior, and how to turn things around quickly. At the core of change, my passion became to…
This idea alone transformed my approach from one of fear and prevention, to one of understanding how important it is to teach through the experiences of the toddler.
Since it was clear that the typical strategies didn’t work to stop tantrums, I really didn’t have to search far for this part of the answer. But, to find what works… that’s a real passion.
And while the details of every lesson learned about toddler behavior are not important here, there is one very critical lesson you will need to master. This was the hidden lesson I stumbled upon that opened my eyes to a completely new way of seeing the change process.
This idea alone transformed my approach from one of fear and prevention, to one of understanding how important it is to teach through the experiences of the toddler.
What does this mean to you? I discovered that I had to invite the toddler tantrums rather than running from them… and this allowed me to…
Okay, I know that sounds crazy! But here’s the critical distinction.
Based on my training, and every instinct that was normal, I had worked with my clients to give them tools to prevent toddler tantrums. Yet, what this ended up promoting was that everyone ‘should dance’ around their toddler’s toddler tantrums.
And I was helping them dance!
I gave up my fear of tantrums… and with that I stumbled upon the secret…
Because I was so afraid of these toddler tantrums in my waiting area and office, and I understood how embarrassing and exhausting these tantrums were for all of the parents I work with, I had always understood their fear and responded to it in a fearful way. I wanted to prevent those tantrums too!
But then when I realized that running from the tantrums simply empowered the ‘tantrum’ to have more control of the home, my whole approach began to change.
Within just a matter of weeks, I discovered a group of simple step-by-step changes that quickly and easily eliminated the worst of tantrums. For you today, it is critical that you make note: your fear or desire to avoid the tantrum is at the core of why those ugly tantrums get worse.
These simple, but yet highly advanced distinctions that I discovered, allowed me to teach more and more quickly. These parenting tools were working… but…
…but it did work most of the time. And I was able to learn how to make the formula better and easier to follow. I did away with the un-needed theory and talk. Instead, I focused on keeping it simple and powerful.
I used to teach parents this formula over the course of two months, and the tantrums quickly faded in a consistent manner. But over the years, the formula got better and better.
And the more I tested what steps I could eliminate, the more I was able to get rid of the unnecessary steps, and create the ultimate Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide.
Pretty soon, I had parents calling my office asking me to teach them… and it was then that I became known as the “Parenting Psychologist”. But the secret is really not in my brain… but in the formula itself.
This Was Good For My Practice, And It Was Good For My Clients. Now rather than months, it only took a few weeks for me to teach them The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide.
As word began to spread, I began to offer interviews, write articles, and it wasn’t long before the media referred to me as the “Parent’s Psychologist.”
An interesting surprise developed because of this however. I would start getting phone calls from parents who lived in California, or Richmond, or even Alaska. These parents would have picked up an article, and read about The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide, and wondered if I could work with them.
Of course I was able to work with them over the telephone, and the formula continued to work perfectly.
But about this time I discovered the internet, and realized that I could offer my Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide 24 hours a day, 7 seven days a week to anyone, anywhere in the world.
So that’s when I decided to make available online…
The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide Has Already Helped Eliminate 4,717 Toddler Tantrums… And Still Counting!
This is a dream that I never thought would come true, and probably couldn’t have come true before the internet. Because I’ve been able to package and offer my course online, parents have been able to instantly access this proven solution right from the privacy and comfort of their computer. Rather than weeks, the formula is delivered instantly. The results unfold within days.
I feel certain this course will save you all of the frustration, the pain, the worries and the embarrassment of dealing with another week of toddler tantrums. In addition, you will not have to waste your money and your time talking to doctors and therapists, who often use out-dated approaches (similar to the ones I used early on) that simply don’t work, and often make things worse.
This is an instant download package
All Major Credit Cards, Paypal and Online Checks Are Accepted.
(Note: I mention that only because this is part of a new test, where I am including several new bonuses that were not available even a month ago. And if the test does not work, you will not see these same bonuses when the the test is complete. So and now is the time to take action. Procrastination is your enemy here, and is the fuel for more tantrums.)
This is a downloadable e-book that you will receive within 10 minutes after your purchase.
While I’m in the process of closing my practice, I still consult with a limited number of parents. When parents come to me with a tantruming toddler, they typically consult with me for four to six sessions.
At $200 per session, these parents invest approximately $1,200 to get the same information that you’re getting in this guide book.
Of course, I’m able to hold their hand a little bit, and help them feel secure along the way. But the bottom line is, that the same information that I give to them is contained in The Stop Toddler Tantrums step-by-step guide.
Which would you rather do? You can call my office and invest in six sessions of parent coaching for $1,200, or you can invest in The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide and get started today!
You also get instant access to my mp3 audio recording of this information. This information is closely aligned with the information in the guide book, it simply serves as an alternative learning tool to help you master this information.
This audio program gives you an alternative way to learn these vital lessons. You can download to your Ipod, your computer, or burn the mp3 to a CD and play it in your car. This $47 program is included FREE as a bonus with this new package.
The Ultimate Trouble Shooter was created from the feedback offered by parents over the first five years that I offered The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide. Many of these questions arose from parents who were struggling with the most difficult and challenging situations.
I’ve included The Ultimate Trouble Shooter guide — not because you’ll necessarily need it, but it’s there just in case.
After you complete the Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide, you may find that you have a question or two that applies to your situation. If you do, then I’d recommend that you go through The Ultimate Trouble Shooter MP3 to clarify any questions.
This saves you from emailing, and needing to ask me an additional question. This is absolutely free to say thank you for investing in The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide.
Over the years, I’ve written dozens and dozens of articles for magazine, newspapers, and for the internet. These articles cover a wide range of topics, from whining, to toddler tantrums, to morning routines, bedtime routines, self-confidence, homework habits, self-esteem, negativity, optimism, and the list goes on and on…
As my gift to you, I’m including my A-Z collection of parenting articles. This is a group of over 32 articles, and provide you with the strong foundation for how to respond to a wide variety of situations.
This product is sold separately on other websites of mine for $29.95.
Again however, this gift is free to you with The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide.
One of the most frequent questions I received from parents about child confidence. When you see signs that your child is lacking confidence, it is natural to have many worries about how they will stand up to bullies, how they will assert themselves on the playground or the classroom, and whether they will find satisfaction and happiness in doing their best.
Many times, when children lack confidence, they abandon they work efforts before putting forth their best effort. In other words, when we lack confidence, we give up more easily because we don’t believe we can do it.
These types of traits often show up in sports, at home with siblings, and in the classroom.
In my copy written eBook, The Confident Child, I explained the secrets to raising a child with unstoppable self-confidence and a powerful sense of self-esteem. With a few simple changes, you’ll be able to ensure that your child grows up strong, confident, and secure.
This is a question I sometimes get, which is a natural and understandable question. For some folks, you may have missed some the details early on, where I explained my background in history. For others, you simply want more details about what makes me an expert. The short answer is as follows:
— which is a combination of experience, training, and feedback from parents just like you
And in many ways, all this combines to make “The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide” the best solution available for you to quickly and easily stop those toddler tantrums.
No hype. No bull. Just a simple step-by-step formula that takes less than an hour for you to master.
Let’s be honest however. I could be just tooting my own horn. You could keep wasting lots of time looking on parenting forums, reading other websites, or talking to other parents… while you could be stopping those tantrums in the next couple of days. Please keep in mind:
Look, I’m going to brutally honest with you. Not all toddler are the same.
When your friends and family give you casual advice about dealing with toddler tantrums, they typically don’t know a thing about he type of tantrums you’re dealing with. And the more you listen to their advice, the worse things get.
The same is often true for pediatricians, who often offer quick, superficial advice.
This type of advice will make things worse! And even though it seems natural to reach out, this is making your life harder. It’s also making your life harder for your toddler.
You already know that this is true, of course. Every single scientific study that has any value includes what is a placebo. A placebo is simply a group of the test subjects who received ‘the sugar pill.’ The real subjects get the real medicine or drug. In almost every study that’s done, you can give people a sugar pill, and a portion of them will get cured.
We have seen this over and over with tv infomercials, where someone is selling a calcium pill, or some kind of snake oil, and they have claims of great succe
The reason is that almost anything or any advice will produce a result some of the time. So be aware of those who offer advice ‘some of the time.’
I make a living with clients who come to my office and pay $200 per hour to get help. They pay out of pocket, and they travel for hundreds of miles to get my input. Many consult with me by phone.
I emphasize this because people keep coming back over and over and over again because… this stuff works.
First, it’s a plain and simple reason. You don’t need to keep suffering like this when there’s a solution right in front of you. The Stop Toddler Tantrums will stop those tantrums cold… and it’s guaranteed to do so or your money back.
Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, if you’ve been getting advice from friends and families, and those not focused on how to help toddlers change their behavior. It’s likely that you’ve been getting bad advice.
With bad advice, it likely means that you’re actually making tantrums worse. And not worse for the short term-but worse for the long term.
You could end up living with a toddler who has anger issues for the rest of their life. You could end up supporting your toddler’s sensitivities, and over reactivity. You could end up with a toddler who is still having meltdowns at 13.
All because you kept using bad advice… when there a proven, professional solution sitting right in front of you that will solve this problem in the next 3-7 days.
Less worry – your fears that something is wrong with your toddler, or something is wrong with you are banished forever. When you see how quickly your toddler learns from a change in your behavior, it is not only a relief to see those tantrums disappear, but you realize that you have the power to shape and influence many of your toddler’s choices over the years ahead.
More happiness – as the tantrums quickly fade away, you see that your toddler becomes happier, easier to get along with, and enjoys their life more. This is a natural consequence of eliminating those nasty toddler tantrums.
Less drama – as tantrums disappear, so does the drama in your life. It’s hard to appreciate how much of your life is driven by dramatic, over reactive moments with your toddler. However, when the ‘Stop Toddler Tantrums’ eliminates those moments, you notice a dramatic difference as the drama disappears
More ease with siblings or peers – often toddler tantrums evolve from your toddler not getting what they want in their relationship with their siblings or with peers. With The Stop Toddler Tantrums formula, you quickly see that your toddler’s relationships with others are dramatically improved as the tantrums disappear.
Better self-control – inevitably there are disappointments and frustrations in life, and it is remarkable to see how quickly your toddler learns to gain self-control when things don’t go their way. This is an important step in developing a healthy and sound personality.
Better self-control – it’s hard to realize you might be ‘dancing around’ the toddler tantrums right now. For some of you, you realize that you’re dancing all the time. Within a few days, that dancing will be gone… and you will discover that your mind space is freed up to enjoy your life more. It’s a wonderful thing!
Stress free outings – whether it’s going to the grocery store, stopping by the bank, or off to the playground, you’ll find that you feel more at ease and relaxed with the certainty that you don’t have to deal with those toddler tantrums.
Renewed faith in your toddler – when tantrums are out of control, it’s hard not to worry about your toddler’s future. With The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide, the tantrums fade away so quickly that your faith in your toddler’s ability to learn and grow is dramatically restored. Your confidence and belief in their ability to cope and to handle their life expands on almost a daily basis.
Friends and family enjoy you and your toddler more – for some of you, those tantrums are a nightmare when you spend time with your family, or go to shared timed at a friend’s house. One of the most reassuring experiences you may have is when a family member, or even a friend, remarks about the dramatic changes that they see in your toddler. What a relief!
A better life – as your worries fade away, your toddler begins to cope better, and both your confidence and their confidence grows, there’s little doubt that life is getting better. This is one of the most consistent messages I hear from parents who are relieved with the magic of The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide.
Learning and development improves – as your toddler is able to cope with normal challenges, you will become more and more comfortable giving them a few more challenges. You might ask them to help out around the house, or give them additional autonomy in finishing their homework, or simply allow them to problem solve the situation with their sibling. Each of these situations allows your toddler to grow and develop more rapidly.
Less hovering and hyper vigilance – when you’re walking on eggshells, you’re often constantly on guard for the upcoming tantrum. You’re doing everything you can to avoid it, and the vigilance simply wears you down. Just imagine how ease for your home will be when you no longer have to be constantly worried about those awful toddler tantrums.
Increased self-confidence – within weeks of the tantrums disappearing, you will begin to see signs of your toddler’s confidence growing. This is because their mind is not longer stuck on the drama and the reactions that often bog them down. Instead, as they cope and respond in healthier ways, it is inevitable that their self-concept and their self-esteem blossoms. This explosion of self-confidence is a major stepping stone towards life success and happiness. Enjoy!
Here’s a simple fact that you must remember:
With every passing day, the tantrums become more ingrained in your toddler’s personality and in their coping style. We all recognize that it’s somewhat typical to see an occasional tantrum from a toddler. But many of you are seeing more than an occasional tantrum, and we see those tantrums they are often crazy, off the wall screaming, feet stomping, and out of control tantrums.
For others, those extreme tantrums have been going on for awhile, and there’s no sign of the tantrums getting better. In fact, they seem to more and more sensitive to disappointment and frustration, and often immediately choose the tantrum as a resort to try to get it their way.
Key point: this will not get easier as time passes. Do not believe that story. If you do, it will only cause you and your toddler more pain.
I suspect that many of you are relieved that the tantrums haven’t shown up so much at daycare, or maybe even preschool or kindergarten. For others, this may not be true.
However, it’s critical to know that tantrums often begin to expand over time and show up more and more often in social settings where mom and dad are not involved. As you can imagine, this is a huge problem as many teachers are ill prepared to handle these tantrums well. They’re expecting toddlers to be better behaved, and your son or daughter simply ends up getting punished frequently… and they simply don’t know how to control their emotions yet.
Hold tight to your seat! It’s your job to teach them how to control those emotions.
That’s right. It’s not my job to do that. It’s not the teachers job to do that. It’s your job… and it’s likely that you already know this.
I understand that you haven’t had the tools and you don’t know how to do this. But it doesn’t change the fact that it’s your job to master your parenting in a way where you can give your toddler the gift of self-control.
Without the gift of self-control, your toddler moves into the future believing that these toddler tantrums will somehow serve them and help them. It will not. Instead, the tantrums will set them apart from their peers, and make them socially immature, over reactive crybabies, and at worst tantruming bullies.
This is an instant download package
All Major Credit Cards, Paypal and Online Checks Are Accepted.
Look, you and I both know that if I claimed 100% success… both of us would know this isn’t true. No system works all the time. (quite honestly, when my system doesn’t work… I suspect that we could quickly problem solve and difficulties… but I can’t do that online for everyone).
My Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide has been sold online now for over 6 years. As I mentioned previously, over 4,717 copies have been sold online as I write this article. Of all the copies sold, less than 2% have requested a refund. In fact, the statistics show that 98.7% of my customers are satisfied.
But to be honest, this isn’t the full story. I’ve been using The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide in my private practice for many more years. In all those years, in working with hundreds and hundreds of families, The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide formula has worked every single time.
Has it always worked in 3 days? No… sometimes it takes a bit longer.
Do some parents have more difficulty remaining disciplined and keeping their cool? Yes… that’s true. And that does influence how quickly The Stop Toddler Tantrums works. (but remember… I give you a powerful set of tools that will help teach you to keep your cool. When you know exactly what you need to do in the midst of a tantrum, it brings a certain comfort and ease that makes it simple to follow The Stop Toddler Tantrums formula).
And yet it doesn’t even stop there. Over the years, I have received dozens and dozens of emails from parents who have found success with The Stop Toddler Tantrums. Perhaps the most satisfying emails are those parents who follow up 16-18 months later, and are asking for additional help and wondering if other parenting products are available. (and they are!)
Within a few minutes from now, you can download The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide. Whether you choose to listen to audio version, or read the PDF eBook, you’ll find that my style is a no BS, get straight to the point and let’s get it done approach. I don’t waste your time, and I don’t waste my time.
Literally, within an hour you will know exactly what to do.
Just think of it! Within an hour from now, you can begin to make the changes in your home that will get rid of those toddler tantrums. Over and over again, I get emails from my customers who are surprised and shocked about how quickly The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide works. If you don’t believe me, just watch the video testimonials from several of my customers who were willing to get on camera and tell you about their results.
Please be aware of false teachers selling products online… most of their advice is nothing more than watered down free advice they found on the internet.
If you’ve been searching the internet, you’ll find lots of folks offering advice. Some of them are mothers. Some of them are childcare workers. Some claim to be counselors.
In fact, I see websites that seem to change by the day, as well as their claims of authority and their track record.
This is not the case for me and The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide. If you search my name, you will literally find hundreds of thousands of references to me on the internet. You’ll be able to find hundreds of tv interviews if you search You Tube, as I’m often sought out as a parenting expert.
I don’t mention all of this to impress, but impress upon you the importance of seeking out sound advice from a professional with years of experience.
If you decide to invest in The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide, you will find that it’s a proven and tested solution that works. You’ll also find that I stand behind it 100% with an absolute, money back no risk guarantee. Either it works for you… or you get your money back.
There are really three answer to this question. First, not everything out there is garbage.but most of it is. It’s just rehashed free advice that you can find anywhere on the internet. This advice is often good for those who have normal and typical tantrums that are not escalating out of control. Some of the advice your grandmother might give you would be perfectly appropriate.for a toddler who’s displaying an occasional typical toddler tantrum. That’s not likely you.
Secondly, The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide has a foundation based upon years of psychological training and clinical experience. There are certain principles built into this elegant and simple formula, that make this formula work almost every single time. This is not something you can find when someone has raised four kids, or perhaps deals with an occasional tantrum at a daycare facility.
Thirdly, The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide is like a precise recipe. You know how you can have the right ingredients, but if you don’t put them in the right amount, and at the right time, the entire effort can lead to an absolute flop.
And this is where most people get it wrong. They often have a little bit of the right ingredient here and a little bit of the right ingredient there. It’s often that they don’t understand how to put those ingredients together. In addition, The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide brings one secret ingredient that I discovered through years of clinical experience that simply brings it all together rapidly and quickly.
The Stop Toddler Tantrums mp3 Audio Download ($47.00 value)
The Tantrum Fixer Ultimate Trouble Shooter MP3 ($47.00 value)
A-Z Collection of Parenting Tips ($47.00 value)
The Confident Child ($29.95 value)
“It is my sincere hope that you invest in The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide to not only help your toddler, but to bring more peace and ease to your home. I look forward to helping you get rid of those toddler tantrums for good, and brining peace to your home. Take care.”
Randy L. Cale PhD.
Licensed Psychologist
P.S. Remember that the longer you wait, the harder it will get for you and for your toddler. Even worse, the longer you wait means that these reactive tantruming tendencies become more ingrained in their coping style. This will make it hard in every area of life. So the time to act is now.
P.P.S. You are less that 5 minutes away from your copy of The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide. With my no risk 365-day guarantee, I can’t imagine that you would hesitate to invest now in The Stop Toddler Tantrums Guide. I’ve seen it work for hundreds and hundreds of families, and thousands of copies have been sold online. If you take action now, you will have success.
P.P.P.S. If you’re still reading this, I know that you’re interested. Here’s what you do:Go click the ADD TO CART BUTTON NOW and start immediately discovering how you can stop toddler tantrums in 3 days flat. Remember, with my money back guarantee you literally have nothing to loose and everything to gain! (Stop procrastinating! Everyday you delay is another day of unneeded pain and struggle.)
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