“After following Dr. Cale’s parenting techniques and guides, my home life became a happier, more tranquil place. Communication has increased between family members. The children have begun to take personal accountability for their homework, chores and each other. My home has become a wonderful place to be at the end of a hard day at work. Life is sweeter all the way around. It’s amazing how simple the concepts are and it works! My family is living proof.”
– Heather, mother of two
“As a parent of two boys, 12 and 15, I wasn’t really sure that your program would work, but I did immediately institute your homework-first ideas, and I have to say it has been very helpful in cutting down the homework battles. Not to say that battles are nonexistent, but they are definitely manageable and most times the boys need no reminder or supervision at all.”
– Ann from Newburg, NY
“Dr. Cale, I implemented your strategies for homework and have seen an almost immediate turnaround with both of my boys. It’s wonderful… Keep up the good work!”
– Stephanie, Mother of Two from Illinois
Learn Our Proven System That Will End Battles Over Homework
Dear Mom and Dad,
Look, I have been helping parents who struggle, fight and even cry out loud because their child will not do their homework. While I have found different approaches work with some kids and not others, there is one SECRET STRATEGY that you must master IF YOU WANT TO QUICKLY ELIMINATE HOMEWORK BATTLES FROM YOUR FAMILY.
“Homework Habits Made Easy” action plan teaches your child to take responsibility for their work, do their homework without being told – without any fights, arguments or tantrums, and shows you exactly how to do it… IN JUST 7 DAYS OR LESS – WITHOUT ANY Drugs…
Even if – you’ve unsuccessfully tried other approaches that worked for a while and then stopped.
Even if – your child never does homework or lies about assignments.
Even if – your son or daughter is unusually strong-willed, stubborn or even diagnosed with some other condition.
This approach has been tested and proven with hundreds and hundreds of children, with all variations of homework and academic problems.
Are you ready to pull your hair out because fights over homework just gets worse every day? Are you exhausted from the just the thought of going through another round?
The common advice doesn’t seem to work, with YOUR CHILD…and you wonder why? You have tried everything (you think).
aiYou have been kind. You have tried to talk it out. You have tried being firm. You have gotten angry. You have gotten frustrated, and you have done the time-out thing! It’s really frustrating… right!
But guess what…there is nothing wrong…with anyone here. When I first started helping other parents who had children who had problems with homework, I just followed the traditional ways I had learned and used myself. Sometimes this strategy worked, and sometimes it didn’t. Then I tried other approaches I had been taught in graduate school, and again…it was hit or miss…especially with certain children.
Then, I discovered the key! It was like a hidden secret ingredient that made everything come together. I would like to claim some genius ability in pulling this out of all my research and experience, but that is not the case. I really just discovered this solution because I worked with so many families who were struggling, and I had so many chances to learn the ONE ESSENTIAL CHANGE that every parent must make to stop battles over homework … regardless of whether your child is 3 or 13!
This may surprise you: The truth is that most of what causes homework and academic problems to get worse is the misleading, and inaccurate advice you are given, in magazines, books and yes…even your pediatrician’s office. When you discover how easily you can change homework habits… you just may want to write a few letters of your own!
Okay, I did say “how easily you can change your child’s homework habits …didn’t I? Well, compared to another argument over grades, or another screaming fit over homework, or another all-out tantrum over studying for a test …this easy to follow, step-by-step action plan will be a walk in the park. Yet, I don’t want to deceive you here…there will be a few tough days ahead…and for a select few of you, you may have a week or so where you have to stick firmly to the action plan.
But the learning is quick, and the change become immediately noticed…even with the most stubborn and oppositional kids. My system works, and it works quickly. I guarantee it.
You are not alone.
Hi, my name is Dr. Randy Cale and for 20 plus years I have helped thousands of parents, just like you master and overcome the daily struggles that all parents face.
My passion to help parents by using practical, real life strategies that gets real results has lead me to be featured in the Wall Street Journal, on NBC and on Fox News… just to name a few.
I am often referred to as “The Parent’s Psychologist” by pediatricians, teachers and the media… as well as the parents I work with. The reason for this is the fact that I focus (well… let’s call it an obsession) on helping parents master the skills to get you through the daily struggles and challenges we all face.
But recently I turned my focus to a problem that so many parents face… getting your child to keep track of their assignments and complete all of their homework, or as I like to call it the “Homework Battle”.
If you have ever had to deal with the nightmare of getting a child to take responsibility for their homework and work independently to complete it, then you know first hand how frustrating this struggle can be.
I have personally designed and created a simple, 7-step program that gives parents the power to end the homework nightmare, The “Homework Habits Made Easy” Program.
You can pave the road to successful and responsible children by developing homework habits that will follow them into college and even into their professional careers.
My goal is to give you an approach that you can understand and put to use quickly and effectively. It’s not some psycho-babble that requires any special knowledge to digest. This is practical, real-life information and tactics that get results.
I have personally had the luxury of working with hundreds of families where I could research, test and create the best possible system that will work for you.
I have developed The “Homework Habits Made Easy” Program to be used as an easy to follow, step-by-step, home-study guide. Every section of this program is broken down and explained so you can personally become a master at creating the homework habit within your child.
You will also get a detailed plan of action that will show which steps to take to end the struggle over homework and help create a responsible, self-motivated child that will grow up to become a responsible self-motivated adult.
And the best part about The “Homework Habits Made Easy” Program is that you can put it to use the very first day.
I have personally made sure that this simple and easy-to-follow program is just that… simple and easy to follow. In fact, you can absorb this entire program and start using it in less than one hour.
You may be sitting there thinking,
“Sure, this sounds great, but it will never work on my child.”
Or maybe you are thinking,
“I’ve already tried every trick in the book, followed every bit of advice, and nothing has worked… why would this program be any different?”
But let me tell you a story…
A short time ago I was parent coaching with a young couple who’s nine year old son Jarrod was on the verge of getting kicked out of school. He was only in the third grade, so you can imagine how out of control he had to be for the school to threaten expulsion.
Jarrod was failing at school and was basically refusing to do any school work, let alone any homework. When Jarrod’s teacher would ask him to do things or even when his own parents would ask him to complete a task… they would have a huge battle on their hands.
Jarrod would ignore any requests to complete his school work, and if his teacher or his parents would try and press him to do any of his work he would start spewing ugly words, he would disrupt his classmates and even throw tantrums in the classroom.
When it got to the point where Jarrod started becoming aggressive is the point where his parents came to me.
I showed his parents The “Homework Habits Made Easy” Program that creates the homework habit, encourages responsibility for his school work, and promotes independent success. They began putting it into effect within their home and now I am happy to say that Jarrod has made a dramatic turn around in school and at home.
His mother even stopped by to show me that he recently received all “excellents” on his program card. She came to me and said, “You know it’s really simple to do your magic…and it works.”
This particular story is a great example of how The “Homework Habits Made Easy” Program will work for any child, no matter what the situation.
But you don’t have to take my word for it…
This is an instant download package
All Major Credit Cards, Paypal and Online Checks Are Accepted.
If you want the battles over homework to stop, you must have a clear game plan to change things. If you don’t have a clear game plan, you will fall into old patterns, and end up making things worse with half-baked ideas and ill-conceived strategies.
You actually end up losing control of your home and your life. You find yourself dancing around your child’s schoolwork, and feeling embarrassed and angered that you don’t have more control over things.
Ultimately, your child ends up “driving the bus”! The long term picture can get very ugly. Your whole world can end up revolving around futile, but exhausting, efforts to avoid conflict over homework and grades. Your whole life can be squeezed of every ounce of joy by a teenager who hasn’t learned to take responsibility for their own work.
With an understanding of the lessons I have learned over the years, you can alter the immediate and the long term future for you and your child. Not only do you save your time and energy, by not wasting it with endless theories that only work with some children some of the time…but you get an action plan that includes the key ingredient that I have found essential to success for every child.
While I write this, I know some of you are skeptical and that’s okay. I probably would be too. But I have created a simple, step-by-step action plan that has helped hundreds and hundreds of parents, just like you, finally get peace in their own homes. The ‘Homework Habits Made Easy’ program is an easy to follow action plan that will show you the secrets to ending homework battles right now so you and your child can have a better, less stressful, more peaceful life… for only $37!
You see, from my side of things, I know that life can be better. Not next year. Not five years from now. Not after they graduate from high school. But things can be better in just a few days! Why would you keep suffering when relief is so close? I have seen it hundreds of times in working with every type of family, every style of parenting, and every variation of a strong willed or oppositional child. They all get it! Every child gets it…WHEN you get it.
In ‘Homework Habits Made Easy’ program, I explain how to set up their world so they can learn to listen to you. You don’t force it…you allow them to learn! Once again…I repeat myself, but this is the secret. Setting up a home environment where you control what they care about in a way that they can learn quickly and easily…that’s it’s! It’s that simple.
I also give you the hidden key ingredient to your actions… that shift your child’s reactions. If you master this key ingredient…they will learn to change by following your lead. If you fail to master it…they will fail to master their emotions. In the ‘Homework Habits Made Easy’ program, I explain how this works, and why your child’s short term AND long term future are dependent upon mastering responsibility early in life.
‘Homework Habits Made Easy’ program gives you a clear, straight forward game plan that tells you exactly what you need to do and how to do it. No more theory and untested approaches. You get the formula that works time and time again.This plan is different. The results you get will be different… it will transform your home. I promise it, and stand behind your investment.
Look, I want to be very clear with you in your struggle with homework problems. This program brings you a solution that works the wide majority of time. If it doesn’t work for you, you will see that I stand behind this unconditionally. It either works like it has for hundreds of families and you wake up a week or so from now realizing that this was an amazing bargain, or … you let me know it didn’t work for you, and get your money back.
By the way, if you were to consult with me to get this information, it would likely involve 4-6 sessions of family therapy at a cost of $680.00 to $1020.00. You get the advantage of this information that distills years of clinical experience into a simple, practical program…with a proven track record. But I’m not charging $1020.00 for this valuable resource…
My grandmother always told me, The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, and even worse is doing nothing at all.
In the Homework Habits Made Easy Package, you get a Homework Habits Made Easy Step-by-Step Guide downloadable ebook which you can read right away. You also get my The Homework Habits Made Easy mp3 audio program, which you can listen to immediately. Then The Confident Child Ebook downloadable ebook which you can read right away. In addition, as my gift to you, I have included my A-Z Collection of Parenting Articles — yours free with this package.
Let me break the package down for you:
This is a downloadable e-book that you will receive within 10 minutes after your purchase.
While I’m in the process of closing my practice, I still consult with a limited number of parents. When parents come to me with a tantruming child, they typically consult with me for four to six sessions.
At $200 per session, these parents invest approximately $1,200 to get the same information that you’re getting in this guide book.
Of course, I’m able to hold their hand a little bit, and help them feel secure along the way. But the bottom line is, that the same information that I give to them is contained in the Homework Habits Made Easy step-by-step guide.
Which would you rather do? You can call my office and invest in six sessions of parent coaching for $1,200, or you can invest in the Homework Habits Made Easy guide and get started today!
You also get instant access to my mp3 audio recording of this information. This information is closely aligned with the information in the guide book, it simply serves as an alternative learning tool to help you master this information.
This audio program gives you an alternative way to learn these vital lessons. You can download to your Ipod, your computer, or burn the mp3 to a CD and play it in your car. This $47 program is included FREE as a bonus with this new package.
And two amazing bonus downloads… as my gift…
I am providing you an amazing FREE Bonus with my A-Z Parenting Collection of Parenting Tips. This is a manual of published articles that I have selected from hundreds of articles I have written over the years. The goal is to give you as much information as possible to help you get through every future obstacle you may encounter. Many of these articles form the foundation for my other products. This is a remarkable $39.95 value, that I also give to you FREE.
These articles touch upon everything from daily routines, to homework struggles, to responsibilities, to respect and disrespect, and sibling choices. While not a comprehensive guide book with all these topics, each article does give you a clear sense of the mistakes that you can make, and how to correct them.
This guide is included as a bonus that you get to keep, even if you decide this program isn’t right for you.
You also get… as my gift to you…
The Confident Child Program uses proven techniques that I have developed from my more than twenty years of experience in helping parents. Most of these parents were worried sick about their child. They were exhausted from endless daily efforts to help build self-esteem and confidence, and many had tried years of therapy-all failing so obviously that their hopes of a confident child were being squashed.
Yet, these same parents have learned from my program that you absolutely can make a difference in creating self-confident children.
Insiders secret: The focus has been on trying to give it to your child. You cant give it to them. However, you can set up the right conditions so that your child learns how to build confidence from how you handle things (and with my Confident Child Program you will know exactly how to handle things in the right way Guaranteed!).
I’ll show you precisely how to avoid directing your energy towards your child’s self-defeating behavior patterns (almost everyone reading this has made this critical mistake). You’ll learn that a completely distinctive response to your children can really make all the difference between their self-confidence and their self-doubt. Most importantly, you will be equipped with the tools for setting up the conditions that allow your child to get it on their own.
And by the way, that’s the only way they really get it. It is through their own experience of learning to esteem themselves! I show you how to make certain that your child has the right experiences to learn to esteem themselves and not rely upon others to make them feel good! But that’s only the beginning. YOU will want this program. It’s a great bonus, when you invest.
What is all of this worth? The total value of these programs is $180.95, but you do not pay anything close to that today.
This is an instant download package
All Major Credit Cards, Paypal and Online Checks Are Accepted.
You can end the struggle, frustration, and anger that homework battles cause. It’s all up to you, if you are ready to discover the secrets then you need to order ‘Homework Habits Made Easy’ program today.
You will instantly have access to ‘Homework Habits Made Easy’ program that gives you the tools to stop fights, arguments and frustration over homework and get back your life. It’s not like they grow out of it. Unless you show them the way, this problem will just continue to get worse.
Order right now and give your child and yourself the life you both deserve… you really have nothing to lose but the maddening homework battles that are wrecking your sanity…
The Homework Habits Made Easy Step-by-Step Guide ($47.00 value)
MP3 Audio Version of The Homework Habits Made Easy ($47.00 value)
A-Z Collection of Parenting Tips ($29.95 value)
The Confident Child ($47.00 value)
To your success,
Randy L. Cale, Ph.D.
P.S: You can continue to have the daily struggles, frustration and worry about your child’s homework and their success in school, or you can discover the secrets that will end your ‘homework battles’ once and for all.
P.P.S: It’s time for you to take action and order “Homework Habits Made Easy”. You owe it to yourself and your child to take action immediately.
P.P.P.S: My grandfather’s favorite (and sometimes overused) saying was, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” For you and your child this has never been more true. Right now, preventing future battles over homework is something you can do… with your ounce of parenting prevention. I will show you a step-by-step way to make a difference in how your children respond to their daily responsibilities.
I don’t know your specific situation, but I do know that these tools will make an immediate difference in your home. And every day you wait is a day where you lose ground. No matter where you are at…for $37 bucks (LESS THAN THE COST OF A SINGLE SESSION OF TUTORING) you get my proven and tested formula for success.
I want you and your children to have a life of ease and joy. But reality says that only comes when you learn to take care of your responsibilities without battle and struggle. This program will teach you how to do that.
Please don’t lose this opportunity to make a real difference in your child’s pattern of homework behavior and your home.
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Copyright © 1999-2025 • Terrific Parenting • Randy L. Cale, Ph.D. • 636 Plank Rd, Suite 215, Clifton Park, NY 12065