“Only three weeks ago, I was afraid she would never have friends, be able to assert herself, or smile while doing homework. All of that has changed. I would never have believed we could make such a difference in only a few weeks.”
– Carolyn, mother of two
“I am amazed at how she has evolved in only a month. She is like a different child. We tried so many other approaches, and it turns out that the secret was right inside her all along. Thank you Dr Cale.”
– Rebecca, mother of Anna (age 5)
“When I bought the program, I didn’t really trust that it would help Samantha had such a huge self-esteem problem. Boy was I wrong. Not just a change, but all of the whining, the negativity, and the endless self-criticism is gone. Dr Cale, its not just better it’s all gone! I cant believe the transformation.”
– Chelsea S., Single mother of two children
After I took the Confidence Test, I just shook my head. My daughter showed all the signs of low self-esteem. In my heart, I already knew I started to cry. I feared there was nothing I could do to help. I could see her life full of disappointments, doors that she would never be able to open, and joy she just couldn’t touch. I felt so hopeless I just stared at the computer screen. But then, I kept reading what you had to say, Dr Cale, and I found hope. Ultimately I also found the answer to my prayers, when I took what felt like a chance on your Confident Child program. It turned out to be the best parenting decision I ever made. Every aspect of her confidence is better now its like I live with a different child. How is that even possible? What a miracle Dr Cale!
– Annie, mother of 8 year old Justin
Dr Cale, I thought that little test on your website was silly, until I just listened carefully as I read the questions. Each question pointed to a very real problem in our home… and… My biggest question was, “What can I do that will really help her gain self confidence without feeling like I’m singling her out? The last thing I want to do is make her feel less confident. She is a great kid – very caring, with many gifts. I just wanted to help her discover for himself and get genuinely excited and confident in himself.” I took a chance on your Building Confidence book, and now. It’s like a different child. I still can’t believe the changes I see in her everyday and so much has happened in a short time. I think It’s almost like a miracle and the changes I see really are miracles to me. Thank you for this small, but life changing ebook.
– Rachel, mother of 3
We cant believe its the same child. What I love with your approach is how simple it is, yet so powerful. No one really believes that all we did was adjust how we responded to him and now he has blossomed into his own. It is so encouraging. Why doesn’t everyone teach this to parents?
– Jim and Jenny
by Dr. Randy Cale, Licensed Psychologist
If you are worried about a lack of confidence, low self-esteem or a poor self concept, every word of this article maybe important to your child. Please read carefully!
I have been helping parents who are worried sick over their child who has low self-esteem for over 20 years. Many of this parents work hard to encourage their children, support them daily, and work hard to build their self-esteem. But it doesn’t work.
While some children seem to develop their self-esteem naturally, other children need a precise and powerful strategy in order to experience their own strong confidence. If you want a proven psychological strategy that you can put to work in your home today, The Confident Child contains my secret “behind confidential doors” strategy that you must master if you want to quickly eliminate low self esteem, and build your child’s confidence.
The Confident Child is my most advanced confidence building program, but created with a simple step-by-step formula that is easy to follow. You will begin to see a difference in your child’s self confidence in 7 day or less!
Even if – you’ve unsuccessfully tried other approaches.
Even if – your child self-esteem and confidence is lower than you’ve seen it before.
Even if – your son or daughter is unusually withdrawn or even diagnosed with some other condition.
This approach has tested and proven with hundreds and hundreds of children with all variation of self-esteem problems from the most typical to the most extreme.
Do you hear these questions in your home— that point to a lack confidence?
Hey… let’s be honest here. It’s not easy when you try your best to build up their confidence, and all you hear is constant negativity and putting themselves down. For many of you, your children are also overly sensitive — the least little thing just sets them off. and away they go!
And some kids just seem to go into a shell when they get around other kids, and yet you see their strength and what they have to offer. that the other kids just never get to see. It’s very frustrating!
Give me 55 minutes of your time, and I’ll show you how to use your power as a parent to give your child the confidence they deserve – using my guaranteed 5 step easy to use system. I have helped hundreds of familly’s. Want to be next?”
Over the past 23 years of helping families as a Licensed Psychologist, I have listened to thousands of parents worried sick about their children. Their child would never speak up on the playground, or always felt like “I can’t do that…” or simply worried WAY TOO MUCH about others think of them.
These life robbing signs of low self-esteem, and the negativity were starting to affect every area of life, at home and at school. In the classroom, these confidence starved children were hesitant to raise their hand or offer an answer. On the ball field, they would never think about leading, and often refused to keep playing sports unless they were better than everyone. At home, they were pleasant, but when challenged, simply seemed helpless and easily gave up.
The bottom line was— Low self-esteem made life miserable for these children. Their lives were good but the lack of confidence was robbing them of opportunities for enjoyment and friendship.
What could they do? Was there a real problem that they should worry about… or would it just pass on it’s own?
If you find yourself saying “yes” to even one of these critical indicators of low self-esteem, then you likely have a problem. You may have tried conventional approaches, and you find nothing works and in fact, things are getting worse.
These parents are scared to death! They often find themselves talking about their son or daughter who has no confidence, and trying to find ways to build them up. Mom and dad will lay awake at night worrying about their son or daughter. They can only imagine that their child will be robbed of success for the rest of their life.
While in their hearts, they know their child deserves more, these parents clearly understand that life is not kind to those who do not stand up for themselves.
But here’s what most important: None of these parents are ignoring this issue.
They had read books. They worked on building up their childs self-esteem. They would try to correct their son or daughter every time they made such negative comments.
They also did everything they could to encourage participation. They promoted involvement in extracurricular activities. They would attend all of these activities, and constantly support their child with encouragement.
At times, they would take their son or daughter on long walks, or sit with them at night, and offer words of encouragement and support.
These were not lazy parents. These were not parents who were ignoring the issue.
In fact, these were parents who were working extremely hard at building up their children confidence.
In my public speaking, and media interviews, I occasionally get challenged by a parent or interviewer who will assert that the encouragement approach will work. I always remind them just observe. Notice whether you see signs of more confidence and greater self-esteem when you take this approach. Keep your eyes open to what is really happening.
All we have to do is to observe whether or not this seems to make a difference for children. I have been observing for twenty-five years, and I have noticed that the only thing that happens here is that children become more and more dependent upon their parents for esteem and less independent in believing in their own self-worth and self-esteem.
This is damaging than it appears. Why? Because you (unintentionally, of course) teach your child to rely upon the opinions of others to find good feelings about themselves. This is not a good plan. It leaves your child totally at the whim of how others evaluate him/her, and unable to generate the thoughts and beliefs to feel good about just doing their best. Its really dangerous, and destructive! And you don’t have to make those mistakes!
Over the years, I have studied research from many fields, including psychology, child development, family therapy, cognitive therapy, behavior therapy, Ericksonian hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), self-development, child psychopathology, and many more.
I have also carefully examined studies on various medications, and medical approaches to helping children who struggle. I have tried many different approaches, and I have discovered what works.
Your child has no-thing wrong with them.
When we think of a child having a self-esteem problem, we tend to think that something is wrong with them. I can tell you that this is not the case. There is nothing wrong with your child. They are whole and complete.It doesn’t mean that there’s not a need for an adjustment. It just means that we want a different mind set, that embraces your child’s wholeness and completeness, as a healthy starting point to build their self-esteem. Without a change in your beliefs, every effort will fail.
There is no medication that will help.
Over and over again, we are programmed by the media into thinking that medications will be the magical cure. I can promise you this: there is no medication that will make a difference in your child’s self-esteem.
You can do the research on your own if you’d like, but this is a safe conclusion.
Low self-esteem is a thinking problem and it is not a chemistry problem.
When we understand that we could dissect your child’s brain, we would find that there is no self-esteem tumor, or ugly self-esteem tissue growing inside them.
It does not exist. This understanding can help us gain clarity, as it points us to the thinking problem that exists.
Likewise, there is no chemistry problem that exists. We will not find a chemical imbalance. It too doesn’t exist.
Now don’t get me wrong: your child’s chemistry is affected by their thinking. Healthy thoughts tend to produce positive emotions and that internal chemistry is of one form. On the other hand, unhealthy, negative thinking produces negative chemical effects that feel yucky.
But the chemistry is a consequence of the thinking’not the other way around.
Your child is thinking a LIE about themselves.
When your child thinks, I cant do it they are thinking a lie. Now they may not be able to do it perfectly the first time, but this is normal. All kids have a learning curve.
It does not exist. This understanding can help us gain clarity, as it points us to the thinking problem that exists.
The difficulty is that your child has begun to think and believe a lie.
This lie is a huge generalization that comes with enormous consequences. The more that they believe the lie, the more it expands. It begins to include other thoughts like Im so stupid and Ill never learn to do that.
All of these lies continue to grow because your son or daughter continues to invest their energy and attention into the lie. As such, it just gets stronger.
That’s right! Your efforts to make it better are actually making it worse. Its not that you are intentionally doing that it’s just the consequence of you working harder their esteeming themselves than they do.
You see it really works this way. As time goes on, if we end of working harder than our children do at anything, they become weaker the harder we work. Self-esteem is like a muscle that they have to develop, and most other approaches don’t get it. They really don’t. They teach you solutions that create the illusion that you are helping your child. However, as time goes on, you discover that you hard work isn’t helping to change things.
The Confident Child Program uses proven techniques that I have developed from my more than twenty years of experience in helping parents. Most of these parents were worried sick about their child. They were exhausted from endless daily efforts to help, and many had tried years of therapy all failing so obviously that their hopes of a confident child were being squashed.
Yet, these same parents have learned from my program that you absolutely can make a difference in creating self-confident children.
Insiders secret: The focus has been on trying to give it to your child. You cant give it to them. However, you can set up the right conditions so that your child learns how to build confidence from how you handle things (and with my Confident Child Program you will know exactly how to handle things in the right way Guaranteed!).
I’ll show you precisely how to avoid directing your energy towards your child’s self-defeating behavior patterns (almost everyone reading this has made this critical mistake). You’ll learn that a completely distinctive response to your children can really make all the difference between their self-confidence and their self-doubt. Most importantly, you will be equipped with the tools for setting up the conditions that allow your child to get it on their own.
And by the way, that’s the only way they really get it is through their own experience of learning to esteem themselves! I show you how to make certain that your child has the right experiences to learn to esteem themselves and not rely upon others to make them feel good! But that’s only the beginning.
The critical life-changing difference between harmful words of praise and helpful words of encouragement.
How to supervise your childs homework activities in a simple, practical way that holds your child accountable for his or her own achievements.
How to follow a clear, specific and realistic plan that will predictably create a real-life, observable increase in your childs self-esteem.
How to avoid making 5 common mistakes that no one talks about, and I guarantee that these mistakes will undermine children self-confidence.
Parents discover how to make doing your best more than just a nice saying, and find how the right approach leads to best effort on a daily basis
Why there are no magic words to increase a child’s self-confidence, but there are magic actions!
What children need to learn to separate achievement from self-esteem that flows from doing our best.
How to recognize and respond to your childs self- defeating behavior so that it fades away.
How to offer your children support without rescuing them constantly from their negative self-defeating talk.
How your response to your children self-defeating behavior can transform their beliefs about themselves.
How to use a daily approach that frees both you and your child from constant struggles and battles over what to do next, so that the focus is really on getting it done!
The Confident Child Program is a real sanity-saver for parents because the techniques work and the changes are often noticed within weeks. You will feel less frenzied when you see that your follow-through to the lessons in the program gets real, tangible results and your child’s confidence is improving daily. You will be able to relax as you see your son or daughter growing stronger, and more self-confident.
You see I have been down this path with not one not two not a dozen not a hundred but literally HUNDREDS of families who have struggled with children showing low self-esteem. You get exact easy-to-follow, proven advice for increasing your child’s confidence while avoiding common mistakes. The advice works for all age groups and different types of self-defeating behavior.
“Just For The Parent Who Has Low Self-Esteem…”
Some of you (and you likely know who you are) suffer from a lack of confidence. You have been burdened with this feeling much of your life, and you don’t want to pass it on to your children. The good news is that I give you the tools to release your worry and fear because you will know exactly what to do, and how to do it so that your limiting beliefs are not passed on to your children!
I promise, that you will be free of this worry, if you apply the principles and lessons I teach in my program. In other words, you don’t have to worry that your personal thoughts and emotions will continue to interfere. You release yourself from responsibility by taking the actions I outline in this program.
I want to warn you. This program requires some change on your part. Some parts of that will feel like a bit of a challenge. Its not for you, if you want a magic solution that doesn’t require more of you. I understand that the biggest influence in your child’s life is you! You have to get it and then your child can get it. If you order this program, please be prepared for that.
But here is the bottom line: I have been doing this with families for over twenty-five years. I have helped thousands of families nurture homes with children who are more responsible, happier, and eager to engage fully in their lives. With no real change in the game plan, you just keep doing the same thing over and over, its not really going to make a difference.
You probably see this happening already, or you likely would not be reading this letter. Am I right?
Most parenting books try to convince you that making your kids feel good will make them feel strong. It’s just not true. You instead want to teach them to be strong and then they will feel good about themselves rather than just feeling good about a new toy.
Reality Check: If you’re overweight and out of shape, you need to exercise if you want to get in shape. Right?
You could buy some gimmicky thing that tells you you’ll get fit by sitting at your desk and moving your little toe, but the reality is it isn’t true.
You need to go to the gym. If you’re overweight and out of shape, when you go to the gym, its not going to feel good. That’s reality.
Whenever we start to stretch and build muscle, it usually hurts a bit.
In your child’s world, their muscle of personal self-esteem, is weak and out of shape. They must learn to work this emotional muscle, in order to get strong.
If you went to the gym, and someone else lifted the weights for you while you just held your arms there you wouldn’t build muscle. The same is true for your childs self-confidence. You cannot build this muscle for them. They must build it!
And The Confident Child Program shows you how to help them build this muscle of self-confidence! I give you the exact tools to make certain that every day provides opportunity after opportunity for your child to develop their confidence.
If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will fail. Of this, I feel confident not because I know you personally, but because I do know many of the mistakes you are making. You need a program that tells you what to do, when to do it, what to say and how to say it. The Confident Child is the only program that does that. In this one-of-kind home study program, I teach you how to coach your child to build their own muscle of self-confidence and unstoppable self-esteem.
Already convinced. Excellent.
This is an instant download package
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I do not repeat all of this to impress you, but rather I want to impress upon you that my opinion is trusted by thousands. My advice is sought out because I speak in a manner that is solidly grounded in the research, yet the parenting tools I offer are not filled with psycho-babble, but are understood by all. Most importantly, my guidance works because it is based in the fundamentals of learning, behavior management, and neuropsychology, while educated with the life lessons and the wisdom of seeing many families walk through my door. You will find that others trust me because this stuff works!
I hope you do not because the only chance you are taking is the chance of a lifetime to create a healthy child with a strong sense of self-esteem and to live in a home with fewer worries and less fear. It’s a no risk chance to see your child blossom into a remarkably confident and focused student who could take on the world if they just believe in themselves.
You can give them that gift, the gift of strong, confident self-esteem.
Here’s the deal. Invest in this program. Follow the detailed plan. You can easily test the program for yourself… and follow the clear directions. Once you’ve used these strategies in your own home, I’m confident you’ll NEVER want send it back.
But, if you aren’t satisfied for any reason, or it doesn’t live up to your expectations, you won’t be out one red cent. If for any reason you are not satisfied, just return the program and I will personally buy the entire program back from you and you will receive a full refund. It’s that simple. When you buy this program from me, its risk free so why not take this opportunity to find a peaceful way out of this daily worry over a lack of confidence?
When you click below, you will be taken to my secure online server. There you will find a state of the art shopping cart, where you will need to check out by entering your credit card information. This site is 100% secure, and your information is never shared with anyone for any reason.
This is an instant download package
All Major Credit Cards, Paypal and Online Checks Are Accepted.
The Confident Child Program allows you to worry less about your child’s future success, and more about just enjoying your child’s amazing evolution and growth.
You learn to stay out of imaging what you child is thinking, and to focus on what you are thinking and believing that will really help them get stronger fast!
ou stop trying to control your child, and focus more on what you can really control your home.
Your confidence in your child blossoms when you realize what mistakes have stripped them of the opportunity to be confident and strong, and you know what to do instead.
You will never be uncertain about what to do or say, and every day awakens you to the comfort of having certainty about your plan and your future.
The more confidence you learn to have in your children, the more confidence they’ll learn to have in themselves.
The sooner you start learning and practicing the proven techniques in The Confident Child, the sooner you can start seeing these techniques working in your child.
With The Confident Child Download Package, you get an ebook that offers a detailed description of exactly how to improve your child’s confidence.
In addition, you also will receive the audio version of The Confident Child, and this will be available as an MP3 download which you can listen to instantly on your IPod or your MP3 player.
Finally, I’ve included a special bonus of my A-Z Collection of Parenting Articles. This is also included free.
Look: Some of us learn better by seeing it rather than hearing it. This manual was developed with this in mind. Not only is it a transcript, but it’s much more. I have personally edited this manual to include commentary, highlighted points, and exercises. It is the perfect complement to the audio program and it is included with the audio program.
But guess what, there is still more! Since I know it’s 100% to your benefit to act right away, I want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to decide now you want this premium program!
Within minutes from right now, you can be listening to The Confident Child Program in an MP3 format. When you invest in this program, you can get instant access to this information. You can put the program to work today! No waiting, or wondering about when you can get started. The entire program can be yours in minutes!
As a reminder, this is a studio quality recording of my complete Confident Child Program, edited and formatted so that you can quickly and easily implement this plan today! This is the same clinical advice I have offered to parents in my practice, and the results will amaze you. See my guarantee below!
I am providing you an amazing FREE Bonus with my A-Z Parenting Collection of Parenting Tips. This is a manual of published articles that I have selected from hundreds of articles I have written over the years. The goal is to give you as much information as possible to help you get through every future obstacle you may encounter. Many of these articles form the foundation for my other products. This is a remarkable $29.95 value, that I also give to you FREE.
These articles touch upon everything from daily routines, to homework struggles, to responsibilities, to respect and disrespect, and sibling choices. While not a comprehensive guide book with all these topics, each article does give you a clear sense of the mistakes that you can make, and how to correct them.
You Will Be Aving Like Jim And Jenny From Little Rock:
We cant believe its the same child. What I love with your approach is how simple it is, yet so powerful. No one really believes that all we did was adjust how we responded to him and now he has blossomed into his own. It is so encouraging. Why doesn’t everyone teach this to parents?
– Jim and Jenny
The Confident Child Step-by-Step Guide ($47.00 value)
Immediate MP3 Download of The Confident Child Audio Training Program ($47.00 value)
A-Z Collection of Parenting Articles ($29.95 value)
The Best Of Success and Happiness To You And Yours,
Randy L. Cale PhD.
Licensed Psychologist
P.S. The Confident Child Program techniques have helped so many parents help their children reach their full potential. I hope you accept this offer today and help your child start increasing his or her self-confidence very soon.
P.P.S. The Confident Child Program cant be found anywhere else, and no one gives you such a powerful, yet easy to implement game plan. You could be on the path to a happier, more confident child today! You get instant download with either package…
P.P.P.S. Remember, there is no risk here. You have no reason not to fully trust me on this. I offer this program to help you, and to help your child. It will make a difference, and if it doesn’t, you have 365 days to send it back and I will buy it back from you if it doesn’t work for you. No questions asked. I want you to be satisfied. More importantly, I want your child to have the opportunity for a richer, fuller life overflowing with moments of satisfaction and happiness.
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Copyright © 1999-2025 • Terrific Parenting • Randy L. Cale, Ph.D. • 636 Plank Rd, Suite 215, Clifton Park, NY 12065